
治疗关节炎疼痛:药物治疗 and Lifestyle Changes That Can Help

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治疗关节炎疼痛:药物治疗 and Lifestyle Changes That Can Help

关节炎是一种影响关节的疾病. Arthritis is inflammation that affects the joints, or multiple joints, and causes pain and swelling. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, which affect over 5400万成年人 在美国. 最常见的是骨关节炎, 它影响了3200多万成年人. Some types of arthritis develop due to normal wear and tear, while others result from inflammatory or autoimmune illnesses.

你能治好关节炎吗?? No, 关节炎是无法逆转的, but medications and lifestyle changes can help in the management of arthritis pain and other symptoms. The treatment ranges from physical or occupational therapy to joint surgery. 你的 整形专家 will assess your symptoms and suggest your best action. Most people can manage their arthritis and continue participating in their favorite hobbies.


Arthritis is typically characterized by inflammation and stiffness in the joints, 它可以表现为各种症状. 关节炎最常见的症状有:

  • Joint pain and stiffness may be constant or intermittent and often worsen with movement. Swelling and redness around the affected joints may also be present.
  • Arthritis can cause a reduced range of motion, making it challenging to perform daily activities.
  • 在某些情况下, 个人可能会感到疲劳, 肌肉无力, or a feeling of warmth around the affected joints.
  • Some types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can lead to systemic symptoms like fever, 减肥和全身不适.

How to Ease Arthritis Pain Medical Treatments for Arthritis


You can get arthritis relief and keep joints healthy by consuming healthy meals. 因为它们的抗炎特性, medical professionals frequently recommend fruits, 蔬菜, 全谷物. Also, incorporate meals rich in Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. 健康饮食 to maintain a low body weight; can also help 减少不适 symptoms and the stress that a higher body weight places on numerous joints.


保持关节健康需要保持活跃. 低强度的运动,比如游泳, 瑜伽, 太极, 走, or cycling aid in maintaining healthy body weight, 缓解关节炎疼痛, 改善关节功能和生活质量. 在选择锻炼方案时, 关注卡路里燃烧, 保持灵活性, 加强关节周围的肌肉. Before beginning a new fitness program, discuss the best exercises with your doctor or 初级医生.


Many people indulge in activities such as drinking alcohol, 吃垃圾, or smoking despite knowing they are disastrous for them. When living with arthritis, you should consider stopping all these harmful habits. 养成新的好习惯,比如早睡, 吃好, 和锻炼, which can be more beneficial in the management of arthritis pain.


这很难承认, 但你可能需要拐杖或助行器, 增强房屋内外的流动性, and it may also assist in avoiding any further accidents that result in more severe pain challenges. Equipment like grabbers and dressing aids can also assist people living with arthritis in living significantly better.


Some commonly used drugs for arthritis relief include:

  • 止痛剂: 止痛剂 relieve pain, although they do not affect inflammation. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and tramadol (Ultram) are two examples.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs): These medications are used to treat both pain and inflammation. 非甾体抗炎药包括布洛芬(Advil), 布洛芬(IB)和萘普生钠(Aleve), 可在柜台或网上购买. Some NSAIDs come in creams, gels, or patches that can be applied to specific joints.
  • 反刺激剂: Menthol or capsaicin, the active ingredient in hot peppers, is found in some lotions and ointments. Rubbing them on the skin over a sore joint can alter pain signals and alleviate pain.
  • Disease-modifying antirheumatic medicines (DMARDs) 是用来治疗类风湿性关节炎的. DMARDs reduce or eliminate the immune system's attack on the joints. Methotrexate (Trexall) and hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) are two examples.
  • 生物制剂 are medications genetically designed to target specific protein molecules involved in the immune response. Etanercept (Enbrel) and infliximab (Remicade) are two examples.
  • 强的松和可的松 are corticosteroids that reduce inflammation and inhibit the immune system.


Managing arthritis pain requires a comprehensive approach combining medications and lifestyle changes. While medications can relieve and help control inflammation, it is equally important to adopt a healthy lifestyle to manage arthritis pain effectively. 定期锻炼, 健康饮食, and eating a balanced diet can significantly reduce pain and improve overall joint health. It is critical to collaborate with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized pain management plan that meets your specific needs. 通过主动控制关节炎疼痛, 你可以重新掌控自己的生活, 减少不适, 提高整体幸福感. 还记得, every small step towards a healthier lifestyle can make a big difference in your journey to managing arthritis pain effectively.

If you're seeking convenient care for your arthritis, explore the treatment options offered by 弗拉格勒健康. 通过虚拟护理, you can access many treatments and exercises from the comfort of your home, 让你更容易控制自己的病情. Our expert team can guide you through effective strategies to alleviate symptoms and strengthen your joints, empowering you to prevent arthritis from impacting your daily life. Contact 全球正规博彩公司平台app today to learn more about care options for arthritis management.